Wednesday, 28 January 2009

At the end of the day

A disappointing day. It took longer than planned to record the dialogue, clean it up, pick the best takes and string it all out along the timeline, so I didn't get to start thinking about animating until after lunch. When I finally sat down and put the set together, I couldn't light it properly, then I spent an hour animating a walk cycle that looked more like a hobble than a military march. I scrapped that and started over but, having just watched it through, the camera appears to have reset itself to automatic aperture/iris/whatever mode, so there's flicker all the way through and it looks awful.

What really annoys me is that that was probably the most tedious shot in the whole film, and I specifically chose to do it on the first day so it would be out of the way. I think I'll leave it now and come back to it at the end when I've forgotten how tiresome it is. And worked out how to use my camera.

Stupid cameras.


zwan said...

Finally we have all the same problems, it is reassuring.
what mic did you use ?

Oblong Pictures said...

I can't remember what kind it is - a cheap Sony model. I'm using an awful built-in sound card too, which doesn't help.